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Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents读书笔记

P11 It is instructive to consider an analogy between the development of flying machines over the past few centuries and the development of thinking machines over the past few decades. There are several ways to understand flying. One is to dissect known flying animals and hypothesize their common structural features as necessary fundamental characteristics of any flying agent. With this method, an examination of birds, bats, and insects would suggest that flying involves the flapping of wings made of some structure covered with feathers or a membrane. Furthermore, the hypothesis could be tested by strapping feathers to one’s arms, flapping, and jumping into the air, as Icarus did. An alternative methodology is to try to understand the principles of flying without restricting oneself to the natural occurrences of flying. This typically involves the construction of artifacts that embody the hypothesized principles, even if they do not behave like flying animals in any way except flying. This second method has provided both useful tools – airplanes – and a better understanding of the principles underlying flying, namely aerodynamics. AI takes an approach analogous to that of aerodynamics. AI researchers are interested in testing general hypotheses about the nature of intelligence by building machines that are intelligent and that do not necessarily mimic humans or organizations. This also offers an approach to the question, “Can computers really think?” by considering the analogous question, “Can airplanes really fly?”


P57 There is much evidence that people have multiple qualitatively different levels. Kahneman [2011] presents evidence for two distinct levels: System 1, the lower level, is fast, automatic, parallel, intuitive, instinctive, emotional, and not open to introspection, and System 2, the higher level, is slow, deliberate, serial, open to introspection, and based on reasoning.

这里提到了Thinking: Fast and Slow这本书里的概念,这里强烈推荐大家读这本书。